
As we seek to live out God’s love, ministry can sometimes be demanding. Balancing time, pastoral care, and expectations can be challenging. However, God calls us to maintain healthy rhythms of prayer, work, and rest, which are essential for our wellbeing. Flourishing in body, mind, and spirit is key to our ministry, reflecting Jesus’ promise of abundant life.

In the Diocese of St Albans, we offer various resources to support this flourishing, such as spiritual direction and counselling. We are committed to encouraging wellbeing, so that all may experience the fullness of life God intends.

Flourishing in Ministry

In our booklet, Flourishing in Ministry, you’ll find guidance and resources to support the wellbeing of lay and ordained ministers. It covers key aspects of a healthy, balanced ministry, including physical and mental wellbeing, financial stability, and sustaining personal relationships. With practical tips, reflective questions, and links to confidential support services, this booklet aims to help ministers develop rhythms of rest, reflection, and renewal, fostering a flourishing life in ministry.


Maintaining healthy rhythms is essential for a sustainable and flourishing ministry. For many ministers, retreats provide a valuable opportunity to step away, reflect, pray, and recharge. These times apart are an invitation to rest and renew one’s spirit.

As part of the Year of Spiritual Renewal and Wellbeing, retreats have been specially organised and are regularly advertised on the retreats page. A variety of retreat centres, both local and further afield, offer these restful spaces. Some retreats are structured and led, while others allow for quiet time where one can simply ‘be’.

Support in Your Ministry (SIM)

Support in Your Ministry (SIM) provides free, confidential pastoral support for clergy, readers, churchwardens (in fact, everyone, lay and ordained, in ministry in the diocese) and their partners. Trained volunteers (Assistants) meet with Users of the scheme several times a year, offering space for reflection, encouragement, and guidance, with each session focused on the User’s needs.

SIM complements other diocesan support services such as mentoring, counselling, and spiritual direction, helping ministers to use their gifts creatively and effectively.

Counselling service

The Diocese offers a professional and confidential counselling service for all clergy, their spouses or civil partners, and older children. Individual and couple counselling is available, with options ranging from single consultations and short-term focused sessions to weekly sessions lasting up to one year. Supervision sessions are also offered. Additionally, general advice on counselling and mental health matters is accessible to any church member within the Diocese.

Wellbeing workshops

As part of the Year of Spiritual Renewal and Wellbeing, workshops can be arranged for deanery chapters and indeed any group in the diocese which feels that its members would benefit from and value a time of individual and group reflection on their wellbeing, and an opportunity to re-evaluate their self-care.  The workshops will be led by members of the Diocesan Counselling Service, and the content can be tailored to suit individual groups and its members.  For further information, and to explore this possibility, please contact Suzanne Clackson (suzanne.clackson@ntlworld.com)  or Christine Franke (frankecm@btinternet.com) for a confidential discussion.